
Love Yourself - Take a mirror, look at your eyes and start saying a couple of times:

I love you as you are. 

I am ready to accept you as you are.

I appreciate you as you are. ~ Louise Hay

Accountability Mirror - Accept who you are ~ David Goggins


Speak with G'd - He is always listening.

Take an hour per day, and try this out:

10 min - Thanks G'd.

10 min - Ask forgiveness.

10 min - Pray for Am Israel.

30 min - Work on a specific Mida to be improved. 


Want to achieve more? Be ready to start working!

Download this amazing word file and keep practicing every week.

Don't forget, if I can, you also can.


Ever thought saying thank you to G'd for the good things and things that doesn't seems good?

Take a notebook and start writing them down. Thanks also for the future things you would like to see.

You will see how things will change for good. 


Don't take things for granted.

Start writing your success stories and accomplishments on daily basis, in order to remind yourself what were you capable to do so far!

Remember, if people say "you cannot do it!" that is when "you should do it!".